I was just beginning to learn the need for a better understanding of the judgments of heaven. Thank you very much for your wonderful insight. Psalm 100:4 NKJV “Enter His doors with thanksgiving and into His courtyards with praise. Be grateful to Him and bless His name. Daniel 10:13-21 Image of angels fighting in heaven for an answer to Daniel Why would God have judgments to make and not tell us as in His Word? Revelation 12:10 HCSBDa I heard a loud voice say in heaven, “The salvation, power, and kingdom of our God and the authority of his Messiah have now come because the accuser of our brethren has been cast out: the one who accuses them day and night before our God.” Always use good judgment. You can go to court, it`s in the Bible! Anytime for everything!! We should be delighted that in addition to prayer, our Father has given us another weapon, the armor, forgiveness, repentance, grace, and blood of His precious Son. I pray for you. Remember to settle your case first and settle outside the courts of heaven whenever possible so that we do not unnecessarily obstruct the celestial courtrooms. I totally agree with Stan.. This is the religiosity that even the Pharisees would be proud of! God is sovereign, I have seen the hardest people fall on their faces in repentance of the simple proclamation of the Gospel. I have personally witnessed divine appointments, divine provisions, healings, I have even seen the Lord miraculously answer the prayers of little children without doing anything in the courts of heaven. This is a false teaching that tries to turn God into a helpless ninny until we come to the rescue to “give” him “authority”,” What a load of religious dogmas that give Satan much more power than he has, regret that, give back the money you took to people who probably really needed that money, and close. Repent and serve God in a humble way, and you will not be destroyed.
Pls how can I get a copy from the court of heaven to buy I live I ghana, West Africa I think that the testimonies reveal and serve hope, revelation, encouragement and above all it is an extension of the gospel. Therefore, it would be great to show or share testimonies and fruits of the experiences of those who have asked for heaven`s judgments and received them from the loving Heavenly Father. Thank you and be BLESSED! Hello, I have a question about how to pray for missionaries. I am part of a prayer team that prays for about 50 missionaries and their ministries around the world. They find themselves in serious situations where they are surrounded by Jihardists and other types of attacks. Big problems in countries where there have been terrible atrocities. What is the best way to pray when the topics concern other governments, international injustices, spiritual bastions over countries? Should we pray as we have always done? If they bring a country or region of the world before the courts of heaven, where there have been great atrocities for decades, and repent in the name of the people of that country and these systems, and pray that God`s destiny of this territory, of this country, of this ministry will be revealed and fulfilled, Could the awakening break out in these countries around the world? Or even, like abortion issues or maybe even President Trump. Can a person or department on behalf of the United States get a dispute against wade and abortion and a verdict on it to reverse it, or can a christian group or prayer group sue President Trump to repent on his behalf and demand that his fate be fulfilled? How do you know what you can and can`t do, or what jurisdiction you have? Early in the morning it`s during prayer, I think I found myself in God`s classes, I don`t really know what it is, but it was like a different area of prayer. 1) dougaddison.com/2018/08/why-the-courts-of-heaven-are-important-for-your-destiny/ 2) dougaddison.com/2017/08/a-lawyers-insight-on-the-courts-of-heaven-elizabeth-nixon-episode-25/ Deuteronomy 10:14 VIN “To the Lord your God belong the heavens, yes, the highest heavens, the earth and all things in them.” The “out-of-court settlement” before the mediation tribunal should always be our first step in the process of obtaining justice. (You can read more about my experiences with heavenly meditation.) It was an interesting read. I learned things I didn`t know.
Thank you for this article. I`m glad I found it. At the same time, I would like to offer a different perspective. Now that I have worked in the courts for several years, having been taken by God to many different places and courts, in terms of forming my prayers for the heavenly courts, I really don`t start with which judgment to go. I always start with the goal of approaching God and letting Him reveal where this matter should go, trusting that He knows. So I always start directly with God and then let Him lead. I do not think there is anything wrong with discussing the courts. However, it seems to me that this is what is meant by “Don`t let another God give it before me”: I have learned that fear, even fear of “good protocol,” can affect your ability to operate in court, because in fact it is an idol that can distract you from approaching God directly and letting Him lead.
One day, I decided that the issue was important enough that I no longer cared about “what court I could or could not go,” and like Esther, I broke straight into the highest court I could go to, demanding justice from the Lord for a particular matter — He had to deal with babies and atrocities. that`s what happened to these babies. I thought, like Ester, that it was better to break protocol and risk one`s life when it comes to life and death than to follow the right protocol. And if He is my God, then I go. So I went to the highest court, and when I arrived, much to my surprise, he said, “Well, it`s time.” That`s when I realized that my self-limiting beliefs were false idols standing between me and God. Of course, God would extend His scepter to me – He is my God! Since then, I no longer have limiting beliefs about the courts of heaven and where I can and cannot go. I guide biblical statements to work first on my own healing path – Zechariah 3:7 “If you walk in obedience to me and keep my demands, then you will rule my house and be responsible for my judgments, and I will give you a place among those who stand here.” And anyone who can climb the mountain of the Lord, like those who have pure hands and a pure heart who do not trust an idol or swear by a false God. Psalm 24:3-4. The unconscious fear of following the perfect protocol of heaven`s judgment can itself be an idol that prevents entry into the Lord`s mountain. And even then – “the fear of having idols blocking God” can also be an idol itself – one day I said to the Lord, Lord, I know I didn`t take idols into account – especially in my DNA, what should I do about it? He said, “Spread them out for now so that they are lower than me.” So that`s what I did, they didn`t completely disappear because there was more stuff to deal with before they were removed, they just moved to the side so we could deal with the issue, and I had a direct attitude to God. He emphasizes God`s mercy and grace to deal with us in our true state of constant healing, and His sincere desire and truth that nothing can separate us from Him.
So, just a few things to think about because I think God wants more and more people to act at the top of their call without fear of punishment because they`re going to court in the wrong direction. .