A person who serves the University as a volunteer is subject to the terms and conditions of this policy and may be subject to certain additional requirements that must be met prior to his or her volunteer service, depending on the classification of the person appointed by a representative of the University. Level 1 is the standard level for people who serve as volunteers, while levels 2 and 3 require additional prerequisites. The University reserves the right to require additional requirements for a volunteer. Below are the specified levels and corresponding prerequisites. One. In general, a person must be at least eighteen (18) years of age to serve as an academic volunteer. Individuals who are at least sixteen (16) years of age, but who are not yet eighteen (18) years of age, may serve as university volunteers provided that a parent or guardian consent or waiver form is filed with the Office of Human Resources. In some situations, exceptions may be considered for persons under the age of sixteen who may serve as volunteers. These exceptions are subject to written approval by the Office of Legal Affairs, in coordination with (a) the Office of Human Resources when the Volunteer provides staffing services; (b) the office of the provost marshal, if the volunteer serves with or as a teacher; and/or (c) the Department of Student Development if the volunteer assists with student activities. C.
University of Dayton volunteers are required to comply with all applicable University policies and procedures (including, but not limited to, the Non-Discrimination and Anti-Harassment Policy), any confidentiality requirements for the information to which they have access (which may require the signing of a confidentiality agreement), as well as any external regulations governing their actions, observe. As a volunteer, you are free to stop your volunteer activities at any time. In return, the University reserves the right to terminate volunteer relationships at any time without giving reasons and at its sole discretion. The University recognizes the important role that volunteers play in supporting the University`s mission. Anyone, including current or retired staff, students, alumni or others, can offer volunteer services at the university with certain restrictions. Any person who is not currently affiliated with the University as a member of the Board of Trustees, faculty, staff or student body who wishes to serve as a volunteer for the University or provide services that take place either on the University campus or under the authority and/or direction of the University in other locations. Michigan Tech`s services must keep records of volunteer names, data of services, and services provided. Departments or units are responsible for the appropriate selection, engagement and training of volunteers. Once approved as a volunteer (advisor/coach) and as part of the university`s COVID-19 protocols, you will need to complete a health questionnaire before each visit.
One. Any questions regarding the suitability or suitability of an individual to serve as an academic volunteer or the applicability or compliance with the requirements of this policy should be directed to the Office of Legal Affairs, the Office of Human Resources or the Office of the Dean. An unpaid person who voluntarily offers their services to the University of Central Florida without expecting to receive any salary, compensation, or other benefits (including future employment at the university) to support the university`s activities and mission and/or gain experience in specific companies. Level 2 and 3 volunteers must sign the University of Dayton Volunteer Agreement. Before a person provides services to the university on a voluntary basis, a university representative must determine the volunteer`s level of service. Most volunteers who provide services to the university are classified as Level 1 volunteers. Level 1 volunteers are subject to this policy, but are not expected to meet any additional requirements prior to service delivery. Additional requirements are required for volunteers who go beyond the normal scope of responsibility, i.e. who go beyond the minimum time and take more than a small risk. These volunteers are classified at level 2 or 3.
For examples of services that trigger a Level 2 or 3 classification, see Section I below, with the appropriate prerequisites in Section II. . . .