What Are Contract Documents Used for

The client and the contractor must conclude the contract by means of signatures attested before the start of the work. In practice, the administrative effort to compile all the necessary documents can be overtaken by the desire to start construction. In such circumstances, it becomes more difficult to resolve substantive disputes. There have been cases where the courts have had to interpret an implied contract if the contract is not signed. Commissioned drawings include architectural drawings, structural/geotechnical drawings and technical drawings of the building. These drawings provide information on the layout of parts, components, electrical, mechanical and sanitary installations, etc. Contractors and subcontractors need to know what type of work is outside their scope of work to avoid additional work without additional compensation. This is a document created to provide project participants with a thorough assessment of the work involved, so that the production team on the construction site can sort its main component and decide how, in what order and when to complete it, and to ensure proper coordination of the requirements of the work, materials and machines (Bamisile, 2004). Each contract may contain a series of drawings that are part of the work to be done.

Drawings must be given to a contractor before construction begins. This should include all the drawings of consultants and experts that make up the entire project. The construction schedule is an important part of the larger document and ranks second only to the construction contract. This component allows the contract client to know how and when the project will be completed and provides leverage when scheduling issues arise. It is also the document that helps the contractor plan the work. Construction contracts sometimes require updated schedules throughout the progress of construction and may form the basis of the contractor`s claim for payment. Project Manual – Written documents prepared or made available for the procurement and construction of the Work, including, but not limited to, tender documents or other construction contract documents, geotechnical information and information about existing conditions, agreement, bond forms, terms and conditions, additional terms and specifications. The contents of the project manual can be linked in one or more volumes. It is very important that the person preparing the contractual requirements and other “Division 00” documents has a clear understanding of the implications of what “contract documents” represent and what they do not represent; Failure to properly name the contractual documents can constitute a significant contractual error. A clearly defined scope of services, also known as a service description, is a decisive element of a construction contract.

This document describes in detail the exact tasks and objectives of each contractor. The agreement is the most fundamental document of a set of construction contracts. This is essentially the “contract”, a basis on which the rest of the details of the project are built. This document sets out the general purpose of the contract and the price of the contract. This is the main agreement between the entrepreneur and the private landowner or contract agent of a company. This is the essential part of the set of different contractual documents – the main document to which most other documents attach or refer. The contractual documents specify the duties and responsibilities of the contracting parties. For a traditionally acquired and fully designed construction project, contract documents for suppliers such as the prime contractor are likely to include the following: the AEOI standard documents contain definitions of the above terms that are very similar to those of the EJCDC (see AIA A101TM, AIA A201TM and AIA®®® A701TM). However, the AEOI documents indicate what constitutes the “contractual documents” in the agreement and the terms and conditions, which creates a risk of conflicting requirements.

Whenever there are conflicting provisions in a contract; There should be a defined priority totem to determine which provision has priority in which document. As a result, many contracts contain a “classification clause” that specifically addresses this issue. A standard order of precedence begins with all change orders, agreement, special conditions, terms and conditions, specifications, drawings and all other documents that make up the contractual documents. MasterFormat is a universal method of organizing such documents, a publication created by CSI, the Construction Specification Institute. It is typically used for institutional and commercial construction projects and is generally not used in residential construction projects. .